THE SOLUTION OA10 OF EARTH ORIENTATION PARAMETERS BY OPTICAL ASTROMETRY, 1899.7-1992.0 June 2010 Jan Vondrak and Cyril Ron, Astronomical Institute Bocni II, 141 31 Praha 4, Czech Republic e-mail:, The observations of latitude and universal time variations made at 33 observatories all over the world with 47 instruments of different types are used to derive Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) in the interval 1899.7-1992.0. To this end, all available results (latitude, universal time, star altitude) based on individual star or star pair observations (that were originally referred to local star catalogs) are re-reduced to the Earth Orientation Catalog 4 (EOC-4) and the present IAU standards. The apparent places of the observed stars are calculated using relevant parts of the IERS Conventions. More than four thousand different objects (stars, photocenters of multiple systems) were observed throughout the interval in question. Additional corrections are applied before the solution is made, such as the secular motions of the instruments (due to plate tectonics, using the geophysical model NNR NUVEL1), certain instrumental constants (plate scale, micrometer value), deformations of the apparent almucantar (due to anomalous refraction), oceanic tide-loading effects in the direction of the local verticals of the observatories. Short-periodic zonal tide variations in the speed of rotation of the Earth (due to deformations of the solid Earth) are removed from the observed values of universal time but they are added back to the values of UT1-TAI estimated from the solution. From about four and half million observations, 16445 unknown parameters are estimated in a single least-squares solution with constraints. Such a large system of linear equations is solved using a modified Cholesky decomposition of the sparse matrix of normal equations, taking into account their specific form. The estimated parameters comprise polar motion (i.e. motion of the spin axis in terrestrial reference frame); after 1956, when the International Atomic Time scale (TAI) became available, the differences between universal time UT1 and TAI are also determined, at five-day intervals in the whole time span. Celestial pole offsets (motion of the same axis in celestial reference frame) are represented by quadratic function of time, for the whole interval. In addition to these, combinations of Love numbers Lambda=1+k-l (governing the solid Earth tidal variations of the local verticals) are estimated, together with the small corrections of station coordinates and the seasonal effects in latitude/longitude (i.e. a constant, secular trend, semi-annual and annual terms) at each observatory. The latter are mutually tied by 18 constraints (these are meant to fix the terrestrial reference frame to the one defined by initially chosen station coordinates and to reduce the systematic deviations of individual instruments due to seasonal effects of refraction). These constraints are applied only to the most stable stations, in order to assure long-term stability of the solution in terrestrial frame. Biases and seasonal effects were then esimated by comparing our solution with the IERS C04 solution after 1978, when modern space techniques of observation became dominant, and removed from the optical astrometry solution. References: Vondrak J.: 1991, Calculation of the new series of the Earth orientation parameters in the Hipparcos reference frame, Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 29, 97-103. Vondrak J., Pesek I., Ron C., Cepek A.: 1998, Earth orientation parameters 1899.7-1992.0 in the ICRS based on the Hipparcos reference frame, Publ. Astron. Inst. Acad. Sci. Czech R. No. 87, 1-56. Vondrak J., Stefka V.: The Earth Orientation Catalog 4: An optical reference frame for monitoring Earth's orientation in the 20th century, Astron. Astrophys. 509, A3(2010), DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200912472 Vondrak J., Ron C., Stefka V.: Earth orientation parameters based on EOC-4 astrometric catalog, Acta Geodyn. Geomat. 2010, in press Vondrak J., Ron C.: Tying the terretrial reference frame of EOP measured by optical astrometry to ITRF, Poster at Session G3, EGU General Aseembly, Vienna, May 2010