THE DIFFERENT ANSWERS ARE SEPARATED BY A LINE OF STARS In order to define intervals by the difference between timestamps, a linear timescale that progresses at a constant rate (ignoring relativity) is needed. That in itself isn't a problem because TAI can be used for that purpose. However, it is a problem that the mapping between TAI and UTC for times in the future is unpredictable. That effectively means that any system that needs to calculate intervals by timestamp differences has only the following options: - avoid using UTC for timestamps entirely (even in user interfaces, not just internally) - keep itself up-to-date with leap second decisions - which are decisions made by an authority, rather than a directly measurable physical quantity like TAI time. Neither option is particularly attractive when compared to the much simpler option of a fixed mapping between TAI and UTC. Increasing forecast times for leap seconds would not solve the basic difficulty. ********************************************************************************* It is quite enough for us. ********************************************************************************* Application of leap seconds in US SSBN fleet involves some risk of operator error resulting in unacceptable impact (this has happened in the past) ********************************************************************************* We use UTC as "universal time" from ship to ship, ship to shore, and ship to air. Leap seconds are cumbersome and unnecessary for this purpose. We believe that it would be better to use TAI for general purposes and let those who need to approximate UT1 make the adjustments. ********************************************************************************* We need to test the leap seconds when they happen. ********************************************************************************* * forget a leap second in softwares has dramatic consequences. * introduces an unnecessary complication in the concepts ********************************************************************************* What we have is not perfect, but it may be the best we can do to keep UTC and UT1 in sychn. ********************************************************************************* The result of current definition is a discontinuous timescale. ********************************************************************************* Because it is inconvenient. ********************************************************************************* Too much work at our end for very little gain. ********************************************************************************* Answer: Because time discontinuity causes a number of problems in handling time-stamped geophysical data such as seismic. Because time discontinuity caused by the leap second is very disadvatageous for time-stamping continuous geophysical measurements such as seismic. ********************************************************************************* I don't like the concept of leap seconds and I don't think they are necessary for anything important. ********************************************************************************* Leap seconds cause a lot of pain and suffering for precise navigation using GPS, especially in conjunction with other systems that generally time mark with UTC. Technically, it's just minor bookkeeping, but it always seems to get missed somewhere. ********************************************************************************* Occurence of a leap second is too frequent even it occurs every one year or so, and the adjustment for the leap second is a kind of extra work. Why bother to keep UTC within +/- 0.9 s of UT1? If the tolerance were relaxed to +/- 10 s, adjustments would be needed only about every 20 years (at the present rate UT1 is drifting). A tolerance of +/- 10 s would have negligible effect on sun rise/set times. The tolerance could even be relaxed to +/- 1 minute, in which case a =B3leap minute=B2 might not even be needed in the 21st century! I DO favor retaining UTC and keeping it somewhere near UT1, since civil time should track the rotating Earth. ********************************************************************************* Discontinuity and ambiguity of time is very difficult to handle. ********************************************************************************* The few second corrections do not solve any significant problem and creates many. ********************************************************************************* It should be possible for a manufacturer to design an equipment, which handles UTC over a design life of 10 years, without having the user involved. This is not possible with the present UTC definition, where the possibility exists that every 6 months a new decision is made on a new leap second. ********************************************************************************* Generalized time arithmetic is impossible with UTC. You cannot pack it into a closed algorithm, you cannot compute it into the future, and you cannot figure it out historically without providing detailed and updateable records. For calculations across long periods of time, you end up assuming UTC=UT1. Most relevant computer software still assumes UTC=UT1 (e.g., spreadsheets).