Earth Orientation parameters from the Matera Space Geodesy Center solution S. Di Tomaso e-GEOS, ASI/CGS, Matera, Italy G. Bianco Italian Space Agency (ASI), CGS, Matera, Italy Technical description of solution 1. Purpose of solution: daily EOP 2. Analysis Center: Italian Space Agency/Space Geodecy Center Agency (ASI/CGS), Matera, Italy 3. Short narrative description of solution: The ASI EOP time series, submitted as operational series to IERS, provides daily EOP (Xp, Yp) and LOD from GNSS data collected from a global network of 90 stations. The EOP parameters, along with other parameters of interest, are estimated on a daily basis. A sliding window of 3-day length with 1-day moving forward is applied to the normal equations in order to deliver the EOP parametes of the second day. 4 Software: Bernese 5. Other information: 6. Responsible person: Simona Di Tomaso,