September 2002

Summary and statistics of the results of the questionnaire concerning the future of UTC.


The Questionnaire is given as an appendix


2 - Field of activity

Since multiple responses were very often given, percentages represented on the pie take into account the fact that users are implied in different fields of activities .


3 - Are you satisfied by the current UTC determination method with leap second adjustements?

3-1 If YES, is the present forecast time (6 months in advance) of the occurence of a leap second sufficient? If not would you suggest another time delay? 1 year or more?

3-2 If NO, Why ?


4 - Do you think it would be better to change the determination method of UTC?

4-1 If YES, which alternative solution would you favour?

4-2 If NO for 4, why?


5 - Other comments regarding determination or operation of UTC?


6 - This question addresses to Bulletin D users (DUT1 with .1s accuracy). Is the present Bulletin D convenient ?

If NO, why?

If NO, would you prefer a more frequent and refined estimation? With which accuracy?




1 - Your identification

Name :
Adress :
e-mail :

2 - Field of activity

Time [ ]
Telecommunication [ ]
Astronomy/Astrophysics [ ]
Geophysics [ ]
Space sciences [ ] Geodesy [ ]
Navigation [ ]
Other? What? [ ]

3 - Are you satisfied by the current UTC determination method with leap second adjustements?

YES [ ]
NO [ ]

3-1 if YES Is the present forecast time (6 months in advance) of the occurence of a leap second sufficient. If not would you suggest another time delay? 1 year or more?

3-2 if NO Why ?


4 - Do you think it would be better to change the determination method of UTC?

YES [ ]
NO [ ]

4 -1 If YES, which alternative solution would you favour?
a. No leap second [ ]

a.1 UTC without further leap seconds [ ]
a.2 Use TAI [ ]

b. Increase tolerance for |UT1-UTC| [ ]
c. Smooth over leap second step [ ]
d. Redefine the second [ ]
e. Some other possibility ? [ ]
4-2 If NO for 4, why?


5 - Other comments regarding the determination or operation of UTC?

6 - This question concerns Bulletin D users (DUT1 with 0.1s accuracy). Is the present Bulletin D appropriate ?

YES [ ]
NO [ ]
If NO, why?

If NO, would you prefer a more frequent and refined estimation? With what accuracy?